The Department of Applied Modern Languages at Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania was the first Modern Languages Department in Romania to adopt and disseminate an authentic Applied Modern Languages curricular model, assisting in the process the Universities of Braşov and Sibiu with its implementation in 1996.
The AML concept is that of a vocational, multidisciplinary higher education process, both theoretically- and practically-oriented, informed by multicultural awareness, able to equip the students with adequate tools to face the challenges of multilingual expertise and cultural mediation of the current socio-professional environment. The AML mission also targets support given to the various research projects undertaken within the network. The AML profile presupposes mastery of at least two foreign languages in circulation put to the use of various core domains of application (law, economy, management, international commerce, communication, translation tools and techniques, etc).
Team Leader: Dan Chiribuca
- Adriana Neagu
- Iulian Pah